In maths this week we have been looking at quantities. The children were shown a teddy and a doll and they were both given some plastic food. The children were able to say who had more and who had less. They are working really hard in maths and really enjoy doing the lessons.
Also in maths we have introduced something called Kagan. This is where the children get to work as a small group or with a partner. In maths they have been doing something called Rally Robin. This is where they work with a partner to each say a number to 10. They really enjoy doing this and are very eager to do the counting with a partner.
We are also doing something called stand up, pair up. The children are given either a fish bowl of a fish. They walk around for a little bit till the teacher says “pair up”. Each child that has a fish then has to find a partner with a bowl. We have only started this in the last few days and the children are just getting used to it.
The children have enjoyed lots of outdoor play. The door is always open so they can come in or go out as they please. They have a range of activities inside Nursery to do and outside.
During welly Wednesday we explored the outside nature area. We looked at the texture of the trees and leaves and talked about how they felt. The children find this hard as they know what they want to say but can’t say it. We are working on talking about smooth, rough, hard and soft. They are doing well and trying really hard with this.
On Monday afternoons we are now taking the Nursery children over to the reception classroom for an hour. This gives them the experience of what reception is like and to meet the reception teachers and children. They had lots of fun playing in the role play area and outside.