At Ryders Green, we strive to give every child, every opportunity, at their one chance in primary school.
Music at Ryders Green Primary School has grown from strength to strength over the past couple of years. We now have a wide range of instruments being taught across the school using our musical experts from SIPs. All of which are free to our children. We have a Brass band that plays at special assemblies throughout the year. To celebrate the children’s musical achievement we hold an Annual Music Showcase during the Summer Term. We look forward to our next celebration!
At Ryders Green Primary School, it is our intent that we make music an enjoyable enriching experience. Children are encouraged to participate in a wide range of musical experiences, therefore building their confidence.
Our teaching focus:
-developing an understanding of rhythm via singing songs and recognising the structure of what they are singing
-developing listening via the appreciation of a variety genres of music both during assembly and as part of topic lessons(cross-curricular)
-developing descriptive language skills in music lessons when learning about how music represents different emotions and narratives.
-develop technical vocabulary such as dynamics, pitch, rhythm, timbre encouraging confident use of these terms, and the reading of notation