We have been busy in Nursery this week. We have been making our Christmas cards and decorations to bring home. We have been busy practising our Christmas songs. Our Performance is on Thursday the 13th Of December.
This will take place in the hall. The morning performance will be at 11 till 11.15. The afternoon performance will be at 3 till 3.15. Please come to the main school office and you will be shown where to come. The children have really practised hard to sing their songs, so it would be nice if you could come along and see them sing.
In maths this week we have been looking at numbers on birthday cards. We pretended it was dolly’s birthday and she had some cards with the number 1 on. The children were able to say what number was on the card. They were then able to write the number 1 on their own birthday cards for dolly. They have really enjoyed doing this.
In maths we have also been looking at prices. We pretended we wanted to buy a toy for dolly’s birthday and the children had to guess how much they thought this toy was going to be. They all thought it would be 3p so they were given a price tag and they had a go at writing 3p themselves. They are getting so good at writing their numbers independently.
We have also been using the imagination studio over in the main school. We put a snowy scene on all the walls and put on some cold air. The children loved it. We then put on the interactive floor. Where the children could walk across the snow and it made footprints. Its also dark in there so it make sit more magical.
They loved this and we got lots of conversation out of them. We then played a reindeer maths game where they jumped on the reindeer’s and collected as many snowballs as they could. We saw the numbers changing and were able to say how many we had collected. We will be going over again for the children to enjoy it some more.