We have had a busy week in nursery this week. The children have been busy making their Christmas cards, calendars and decorations. They have really had fun making these and will be bringing them home on Thursday.
On Thursday we also have our party day. The children can come dressed in their party clothes as long as they are suitable for Nursery and the girls have no high heeled shoes on. The children will be able to have a dance along to the music, be able to play with some balloons and we have also brought a bubble machine so the children can enjoy some bubble while having a dance. Nursery children do not need to bring any food as this will be provided for them.
Thank you to the parents that came to our Christmas sing along. It was nice to see you there and the children loved singing for you all.
Thank you also for coming to the Christmas fayre and supporting the school in raising money to go towards new things for the children to use at school.
Thank you for supporting us so far this year. We hope you have a lovely Christmas and a happy new year. The children break up on Friday the 21st December and will return on Tuesday the 8th of January.