We are having a fantastic time learning in Year 1. We are building on previous computing skills on using iPads to create a video and now using our computing skills to research stories on Google. We know the children have been researching their favourite animals at home as part of their homework and look forward to see how they improved these skills at home.
In English we have now moved onto following instructions, we are again looking at recipes but this time we are going to follow a given recipe and then write our own. The children will benefit from practising following recipes at home or watching you cook food at home. If you could explain to the children what you are doing step by step it would help them to use the correct vocabulary when writing instructions.
As you are aware our topic is Animals for Spring, as part of our learning in Geography we are finding out about the different parts of the world (the seven continents) and where they are. Please challenge the children to remember all seven continents and where they are placed on the world map.