Week beginning 12/11/18
This week in maths we have been looking at shape. The children have been trying to identify a shape when only shown some of it. The children have been able to identify a circle, square and triangle. They have then been able to identify these shapes in the environment.
They have been looking at square light switches, circle plastic cutlery and other objects. Also in maths we have been practicing writing a number each day. We are getting so good at writing our numbers now.
We started welly Wednesdays this week. Each child and teacher brings in their wellies every Wednesday and we explore the outside area by Nursery. We take out magnifying glasses and pads and the children can write or draw about what they have seen. The children really enjoy exploring the outside area with their wellies on
During our exploring time we found lots of different shapes. The children found circles on the magnifying glasses and on the ground. They could also identify different numbers on the number cones that were dotted around.
In the afternoon we have welcomed 3 new children. They started on Wednesday the 14th. They will start on their own today and start to make lots of new friends.
We have been enjoying lots of outdoor play and making noise with the instruments. The children have a range of different activities to do inside and outside and they can choose where they want to be.
Week beginning 5/11/18
What a busy week we have had in Nursery this week!
It has been cultural week across the school and the children have taken part in a range of activities to do with this. In Nursery we have been looking at Buddhism. To do with this we have been reading a story about tolerance and friendship called best friends. The story is about an elephant and a dog being best friends. We talked to the children about everyone being different.
We talked to the children about although everyone in the world is different in some ways we can all be friends. We also showed the children a statue of a Buddha and talked about the importance of being kind to each other.
After showing the children the statue, they then made one for themselves out of clay. Some of the children really enjoyed doing this and getting messy. Other children weren’t so sure and dint like touching the clay.
On Wednesday we walked over to the main hall and did some Bhangra dancing with a teacher that came in and taught us some Bhangra dance moves. The children absolutely loved ding this and had a great time and talked about it loads when we got back to Nursery.
As part of the poppy celebrations the children have been painting poppies made from plastic bottles. These will be put outside of school to mark remembrance Sunday. The whole school have been making poppies to go on display.