Our School Values
Our School Council have been working on a ‘refresh’ of our school values. They have worked hard to consider what our School Values are, revisiting the key values and why they are important to us all at Ryders Green. They spent time discussing the values in School Council meetings and then presented their ideas to classmates.
Each class was able to consider the different values that the School Council identified and what they thought they meant. They also spoke about how we might see these different values in our school.
British Values at Ryders Green
The British Values, as outlined by the government, are-
Democracy is a form of government in which the people, either directly or indirectly, take part in governing. The word democracy originates from Greek, and means rule of the people.
In our school democracy is taught through giving the children the opportunity to elect their own school councilors for each class, show children that their opinion counts in Kagan discussions and decision making in many lessons and involving the children in decision making like development ideas for the playgrounds.
Laws and Rules are important, from rules in class or playground rules. They are consistently reinforced throughout the school day. Children are taught the reasons behind laws as well as the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when rules are broken. This promotes a happy and positive learning environment at all times.
At Ryders our children are actively encouraged, supported and guided to make choices in a safe and compassionate environment. Our children know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedom and know how to exercise these safely, for example in our E-Safety week, assemblies and SMSC lessons. Children have the opportunity and are given the freedom to make choices throughout the school day in and out of class.
Our school ethos is created around mutual respect and we all strongly believe that respect for others, irrespective of faith and belief, is a fundamental part of moral development. We are a multicultural school who treat all faiths and beliefs with respect. This is shown through our RE syllabus, cultural week, where we celebrated many cultures and throughout our other topics and lessons.
Ryders Green Code of Conduct
At Ryders Green, all pupils and staff follow the Code of Conduct. These are the ways that we think we should all behave and conduct ourselves in our lives. They are underpinned by our whole school values.